Issue Date: 16/10/2020
Review Date: 15/10/2021
Version: 1.2
1. Policy scope
1.1 GB Leisure Education recognises its responsibilities under the terms of the Children Act 1989 and 2004 legislation and guidance with regards to the safeguarding of children/vulnerable adults.
1.2 This policy outlines our approach to preventing and reducing the risk of harm to children/vulnerable adults who are experiencing, or are at risk from, abuse and neglect.
1.3 This policy applies to children/vulnerable adults that live in, or visit, our properties or use our services, and all GB Leisure Education’s employees and volunteers. The term ‘employees’ used in this policy refers to both employees and volunteers.
1.4 We expect partners from whom we commission external services to adhere to this policy. However, we expect them to have appropriate safeguarding procedures of their own in place.
1.5 The Safeguarding Lead Officer will be the operational lead for safeguarding.
2. Key terms and definitions
2.1 Types of abuse include emotional, physical and sexual abuse and neglect.
2.2 A child is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. The fact that a child has reached 16 years of age, is living independently or is in further education, is a member of the armed forces, is in hospital or in custody in the secure estate for children and young people, does not change his or her status or entitlement to services or protection under the Children Act 1989.
3. Policy
3.1 We will record and refer all concerns, suspicions or allegations of abuse or neglect to the lead agencies responsible for carrying out safeguarding assessments and enquiries, specifically the Local Authority.
3.2 We will work in partnership with lead agencies and relevant partners to respond to suspicions or incidents of abuse in accordance with statutory procedures.
3.3 We will report any incidents of abuse that are a criminal offence to the Police
3.4 We will share information for the purposes of safeguarding with statutory services and other agencies, and will comply with the statutory duty to supply information where requested. We will develop processes and principles for sharing information.
3.5 We will handle data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. This allows for the sharing of information without consent, where there is a concern that a child may be being abused, is at risk of abuse, or where seeking consent to share information would place the child at further risk.
3.6 We will develop and implement internal procedures for employees that establish clear lines of accountability, responsibility and processes for reporting safeguarding concerns.
3.7 We will provide employees with role appropriate training so that they understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and are aware of, can identify, and report the signs of abuse.
3.8 We will meet our responsibilities towards any vetting and barring schemes in the recruitment and selection of employees.
3.9 We will provide support and supervision for employees, creating an environment in which they feel able to report safeguarding issues, including where they have concerns about the behaviour of another GB Leisure Education’s employee.
3.10 We will address any suspected abuse by GB Leisure Education’s employees through formal statutory investigative procedures and our own internal disciplinary procedures.
3.11 We will raise awareness of safeguarding issues in our communities through information and advice, and are committed to minimising the circumstances that make children vulnerable to abuse and neglect through our community initiatives and tenant and family support services.
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