Issue Date: 20/10/2020
Review Date: 19/10/2021
Version: 1.2


Health and safety policy statement

Health and safety, as with all other aspects of GB Leisure Education ATC and the school undertakings, must be properly managed and cost effective.

It is the policy of GB Leisure Education ATC to comply with both the letter and spirit of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all other relevant legislation, and to regard the provisions of this legislation as minimum requirements.

Employees of the organisation have a right to work in safe and healthy conditions. These conditions will be created and maintained by the preparation of, and adherence to, this health and safety policy. The directors/managers fully appreciate that responsibility for health and safety is an integral function of management, on a par with responsibilities for all other business operations and we recognise the benefits of a fit and healthy workforce.

Guest/customer safety is also integral to our philosophy.

The organisation will undertake to provide adequate health and safety training and information to all employees to enable them to improve their knowledge and awareness of health and safety and to discharge their own health and safety responsibilities.

I believe that it is important for all personnel, whatever their position, to accept their personal responsibilities as detailed in this policy and I seek active cooperation between management and employees to promote a safe and healthy environment for ourselves and for those who avail themselves of our service.

Finally, we undertake to review and revise this policy as often as is required by changing legislation. All changes will be brought to the attention of all employees.

Signed: Georgios Beriasvili 20/10/2020



This document lays down our aims and objectives in the important area of health and safety. It sets out, in broad terms, how to implement these aims and objectives.

All employees must cooperate in this endeavour.

The policy statement will be issued to all employees. It incorporates our general approach towards compliance with all health and safety legislation (including the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as amended).

Aims of the policy

To conduct all of our undertakings so as to avoid, or control to an acceptable level, risks to the health or safety of all of our employees, all users of our services, all members of the general public who are exposed to our activities and all other people who work on, or visit, our premises.

To create and maintain a positive health and safety culture within all areas of our organisation, so that there is a continuous, cost effective, improvement in our health and safety performance.

These aims will be pursued regardless of whether the particular services which form part of the organisation’s undertakings are performed by our employees, or by outside contractors acting for us.

These aims will be borne in mind in all policy and operational decisions made by the organisation, especially in relation to the adequate provision of resources. It is recognised that managers could render themselves liable under criminal health and safety law should they place requirements upon staff/learners that are contrary to this policy.

Objectives of the policy

The organisation expects, and requires, every one of its departments to work towards achieving the following objectives in the field of health and safety.

To comply always with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as amended and all other relevant statutory provisions, including health and safety approved codes of practice and guidance and relevant fire safety legislation.

To effectively identify all significant hazards arising from our activities, to assess all the resultant risks to the health and safety of our employees, guests/customers and other people and to develop the appropriate preventive and protective measures necessary to control these risks.

To effectively plan, organise, implement, control, monitor and review the preventive and protective measures.

To establish, and where necessary implement, appropriate emergency procedures to be followed in situations of serious and imminent danger. In this respect to cooperate and coordinate with the emergency services.

To provide and maintain suitable and safe vehicles, plant, equipment, and systems of work.

To provide employees with adequate health and safety training and supervision, and to take account of employees’ capabilities as regards health and safety matters when assigning tasks to them.

To provide employees with comprehensible information on health and safety risks identified by assessments and on the preventive and protective measures necessary to control these risks.

To avoid safety, health and fire risks in connection with the use, handling and storage of articles and substances.

To provide a safe place of work and a healthy working environment.

Where appropriate on health and safety grounds, to ensure that employees are provided with, and use, suitable personal protective clothing or equipment. Also to make adequate arrangements for the storage and maintenance of such personal protective clothing and equipment.

Where beneficial to the prevention of work related illnesses or ill health conditions, to provide employees with appropriate health surveillance.

Signed: Georgios Beriasvili 20/10/2019

Assistant pool and sports facilities manager


Organisational responsibilities

Senior management team (board)

The board accepts their collective role in providing strong and active health and safety leadership in the organisation.

Each member of the board accepts their individual role in providing health and safety leadership.

All board decisions will reflect our commitment to achieving the objectives set out in this health and safety policy statement.

The board will seek to engage the active participation of employees in improving health and safety.

The board accept that effective two way communication is essential including reviewing health and safety performance and achievement of strategic targets.

One of the board is nominated as the health and safety director who will liaise with the qualified health and safety adviser and the managing director to oversee the day to day management of health and safety in the organisation.

Managing director

Is the senior officer responsible for the planning, delivery, monitoring and review of health and safety within the organisation?

Will ensure that there is an effective policy for health and safety which is kept up to date within the organisation.

Will ensure that relevant risks are assessed and will make available sufficient funds to allow for the appropriate control of significant hazards.

Must ensure that implementation of the policy and fully support all persons who carry out that policy.

Will have the responsibility of discharging the organisation’s duty, under section 2(3) of the Act, of bringing the general statement of health and safety policy and the organisation and arrangements for the carrying out of that policy to the notice of the employees in their departments.

Will ensure that the health and safety policy of the organisation is understood at all levels.

Will cooperate fully in the training of the health and safety coordinators and arrange for consultation on health and safety matters as appropriate.

Will include health and safety performance information in the annual report.

Site health and safety coordinators

Will advise managers of their responsibilities for health, safety and welfare under any relevant legislation.

Will investigate serious accidents, dangerous occurrences and similar incidents and prepare reports for submission to the board, the managing director and the Health and Safety Executive, as necessary, and make recommendations to prevent recurrence.

Will provide advice on sound health and safety practice and will advise upon the health and safety content of all specifications and contract documents.

Will advise on necessary personal protective equipment.

Shall be consulted at the planning and subsequent stages of the construction of new property and the revitalisation, adaptation or extension of property.

Will recommend appropriate training of employees and assist with its implementation.

Will advise on the display of material and publicity regarding health and safety.

Will monitor both employees and contractors in compliance with this policy.

Health and safety adviser

As the qualified specialist in health and safety provide updates and guidance on legislation and sound practice in health and safety management.

To chair specified health and safety improvement team meetings.

Provides guidance on documentation and systems required.

Managers, technical managers and supervisory staff

Will undertake risk assessments and draw up safe systems of work for their areas of responsibility.

Will fully familiarise themselves with the safety policy of the organisation and ensure that all people in their charge comply with the safety policy at all times.

Will ensure that all accidents are recorded, that they are investigated and accident reports are completed promptly and returned to the administration section.

Will ensure that people in their charge are aware of the procedures to be adopted in the event of fire or other foreseeable emergency.

Will ensure that people in their charge know the whereabouts of first aid facilities.

Will ensure, where reasonably practicable, that adequate supervision is available at all times for employees in their charge.

Will devise safe working practices for tasks under their control and will ensure that only safe working practices are used, in order to provide maximum safety for all people in their charge.

Will brief employees on health and safety procedures and policies.

Will maintain good housekeeping standards in their sections/sites at all times.

Will ensure that any health and safety problem, which cannot be resolved by themselves, is raised quickly with the health and safety coordinators or their supervisor.

Will consult with employees on proposed changes to health and safety arrangements.

All employees

Will make themselves familiar with the organisation safety policy.

At all times make full and proper use of the appropriate safe systems of work, safety equipment and protective clothing and make full use of appropriate safety devices.

Will report to their line manager any unsafe systems of work which develop contrary to instructions, unsafe working conditions, damage to plant, machinery or equipment and will report accidents immediately.

Will take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

Will cooperate with the organisation so as to enable it to carry out its own duties and responsibilities.

Will not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare by the organisation.

New employees

In addition to the provisions of section 2.6 (inclusive) above, new employees shall:

be inducted in all relevant health and safety requirements before working unsupervised

ensure that they have read and fully understand instructions in the event of fire or other serious or imminent danger

familiarise themselves with the organisation’s accident and near misses reporting procedure.

Health and safety improvement team

The health and safety improvement team invites representation from each section. Its functions are:

To annually report to the board on health and safety performance.

The study of accident and notifiable injury, disease and dangerous occurrence statistics and trends, so that reports can be made to management on unsafe and unhealthy conditions and practices, together with recommendations for corrective action.

Examination of independent safety audit reports on a similar basis.

Consideration of reports and factual information provided by enforcing authority inspectors.

Consideration of reports that health and safety coordinators may wish to submit.

To recommend objectives to improve the health and safety performance of the organisation and to review and monitor achievement of same.

Assistance in the development of safety rules and safe systems of work.

To keep a watch on the effectiveness of the safety content of employee training.

To keep a watch on the adequacy of safety and health communication and publicity in the workplace.

The provision of a link with the enforcement authority.

To keep the organisation informed of relevant changes to legislation.

Health and safety arrangements

This health and safety pack provides a system of procedures to control the principal hazards within the organisation operation.

Procedures are in place to control hazards to customers, staff, learners, contractors and anyone who may be affected by our business.

Documented procedures are developed where it is agreed the absence of such procedures may affect safety.

These procedures are contained in the attached health and safety operating procedure pack.