
Darwin Court Peabody
1 Crail Row, London SE17 1AD

STA Award In Swimming Teaching Level 2

The STA Award in Swimming Teaching is for anyone looking to start their career in swimming teaching. The aim is to introduce the successful candidate to act as an assistant swimming teacher and can teach larger classes or advanced skills under the direct supervision of a swimming teacher qualified to certificate level.


Qualification Number: 600/2481/1 Title: STA Level 2 Award in Swimming Teaching (QCF) Credit Value: 7 Credits

Pre Requisites:

– Be 16 years of age or older
– Hold current membership of Swimming Teachers Association (STA)
– Hold the Safety Award for Teachers or acceptable equivalent
– Hold the STA Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults certificate or acceptable equivalent

Qualification certificates will not be issued until all pre-requisites have been supplied. If requested pre-requisites are not supplied within 12 months of the course end date, the qualification will expire.

Validity of Award:

This qualification does not expire. To remain as an STA-approved swimming teacher, and to receive the benefit of STA public liability insurance, holders of this qualification are required to:

– Remain in membership of STA
– Keep their knowledge and skills up to date with regular CPDs
– Keep their pre-requisite lifesaving qualification in-date
– Regularly update their DBS check

Length of Course:

49 Notional Guided Learning Hours:

– 28 Recommended Guided Learning Hours
– 21 Non-Contact Guided Learning Hours

Assessment Criteria:

– Complete a portfolio and worksheet questions to the satisfaction of the course tutor
– Undertake poolside teaching during the course

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STA Award In Swimming Teaching Level 2

The STA Award in Swimming Teaching is for anyone looking to start their career in swimming teaching. The aim is to introduce the successful candidate to act as an assistant swimming teacher and can teach larger classes or advanced skills under the direct supervision of a swimming teacher qualified to certificate level.


Qualification Number: 600/2481/1 Title: STA Level 2 Award in Swimming Teaching (QCF) Credit Value: 7 Credits

Pre Requisites:

– Be 16 years of age or older
– Hold current membership of Swimming Teachers Association (STA)
– Hold the Safety Award for Teachers or acceptable equivalent
– Hold the STA Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults certificate or acceptable equivalent

Qualification certificates will not be issued until all pre-requisites have been supplied. If requested pre-requisites are not supplied within 12 months of the course end date, the qualification will expire.

Validity of Award:

This qualification does not expire. To remain as an STA-approved swimming teacher, and to receive the benefit of STA public liability insurance, holders of this qualification are required to:

– Remain in membership of STA
– Keep their knowledge and skills up to date with regular CPDs
– Keep their pre-requisite lifesaving qualification in-date
– Regularly update their DBS check

Length of Course:

49 Notional Guided Learning Hours:

– 28 Recommended Guided Learning Hours
– 21 Non-Contact Guided Learning Hours

Assessment Criteria:

– Complete a portfolio and worksheet questions to the satisfaction of the course tutor
– Undertake poolside teaching during the course